Coming into contact with asbestos does not mean you will develop mesothelioma right away. It may be years or decades before you experience health problems that could indicate the existence of mesothelioma or perhaps a condition that may lead to it, such as chronic inflammation.
WebMD explains the reasons why chronic inflammation can develop some cancers, including mesothelioma.
A look at chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation is when your body heals up after an injury. You might notice a red area on a cut on your skin. This is the natural response of the body to an injured area. Generally, the inflammation ends when your cut has healed.
On the other hand, chronic inflammation happens deep inside your body. It can continue for a long period of time and does not have to result from an injury. Chronic inflammation may inflict damage on your DNA, which can cause your body to create cancer cells.
Asbestos and chronic inflammation
Like other cancers, lung cancer may result from chronic inflammation. Cigarette smoke is a common inflammatory substance that can lead to lung cancer. A high amount of radon, usually generated from mines, is another example.
Additionally, a person who works around old building materials and inhales asbestos on a regular basis could develop chronic inflammation. Asbestos or other substances that damage your lungs can create scar tissue in the lung, which sometimes results in continual inflammation.
Some medicines may treat chronic inflammation
Currently, medical professionals are looking at different medicines that could reduce chronic inflammation, though research into some drugs remains early and inconclusive. Still, treating chronic inflammation is sometimes possible and can prevent mesothelioma from developing in the first place.
Sometimes chronic inflammation indicates that mesothelioma is already present. Hopefully, you can find out about a case of mesothelioma at an early enough stage to pursue effective treatment.